Terms and Conditions for Overseas Bidders(海外からの入札者様へのお知らせ)
Please read followings and agree with each subject before you place a bid. Following subjects are applied for overseas shipping even though it has some difference from the Conditions for bidders in Japan.
- Although almost all text, especially as to the item itself, is written in Japanese, we suppose that you have enough understandings about the item and transaction mentioned above and below(FAQs) in Japnese.
- Therefore, we recommend you to use translating softwear or interpretating tools such as Google, if it is necessary.
- Photos showed here is the actual item.
- If you have problems to understand the item/transaction mentioned here, please refrain from placing a bid.
- We cannot accept any claims/objections about the item/transaction as far as it is mentioned here even if it is described in Japanese..
- We are sorry, but we may not answer a question asking detailed contents of a magazine/books.
- Almost all items of our listings have buy-it-now price.
- Once the auction is closed, we will send you a message through "Transaction Navigater(TORIHIKI-NAVI)", basically, within a day.
- Please respond to it within 2 days after end of the auction. Your name, country, address are necessary.
- Since we do not know that you are in abroad when we send you a first message, our message will be the one for Japan domestic transaction written in Japanese. Therefore, upon we know that you are bidder/winner in aboroad, we will send you another message with shipping charge to your country, payment information, etc.
- Please pay within 5 days after end of the auction.
- If necessary action is not taken by the bidder/winner by the above due date, we are sorry but the transaction will be canceled without any notice. In this case, negative feedback will be left from an Auction Master. In addition, further bid/transaction from a same bidder will be refused.
- Therefore, please refrain from placing a bid if you would not be able to take necessary actions by the above mentioned deadline due to some of your personal reasons so that we could avoid unhappy situations for both buyer and seller.
[Shipping charge]
- Shipping to overseas will be, basically, SAL/EMS and shipping charge will be much higher than the above mentioned shipping charge in Japan.
- We recommend you to inquire us shipping charge to your country before placing a bid so that we could avoid unexpected situations after the auction closed.
- Sometimes, handling cost may be charged for overseas shipping for such as making a custom documentation, etc.
- We will ship out the item(s) within 2 business days after confirming your payment, and let you know. Sometimes, we do not ship on weekends and holidays.
- Delivery period will be varied by your country, and sometimes it takes several weeks by SAL shipping. If it is EMS, delivery is much faster(and insured) even though shipping cost is much higher than SAL shipping.
- As to SAL shipping, basically it has no insurance, no tracking number (registered SAL may be available for some countries). Missing or any damages during delivery will not be compensated by us.
- For some countiries, such as Korea, Taiwan..., SAL shipping is not available by Post Office's regulation. Therefore, EMS shipping will be applied to those countries.
- Although shipping charge is much expensive, EMS shipping is insured, has tracking number, and much faster delivery. In general, delibery will be within a week.
- To combine some items for shipping is acceptable. Please request us.
- Combining items must be the items ended within 48 hours from the end of the first item, and the payment due date is within 5 days from end of the auction of the first item.
- To avoid confusion/troubles, shipping to the address of third party or shipping to the address in Japan is not acceptable.
- Payment should be settled by Yahoo KANTAN Kessai(Yahoo Easy Pay - Credit Card Payment), or PayPal if you wish to do so.
- Since we, sometimes, meet problems with PayPal such as verification or limitation of transaction, in that case Yahoo KANTAN Kessai will the only way to pay.
- Bank remmittance, personal check, bank draft and other payment method are not acceptable for overseas transaction.
- We are sorry but extension of payment due date is not allowed in any case.
- Our return/refund policy in Japan is not applicable to overseas shipping.
- Basically, as to overseas shipping we ask a bidder/winner "no return/no refund" basis transaction.
- However, in some cases such as having shipped a different item by our mistake, please let us know the situations with an evidence such as a scanned picture of the item, etc. so that we will take actions and, for example, we will send you a real item by our expense.
- You can reach us through Question Form (linked sentence is located at the bottom of the colum that can be seen at the top right side of the auction page), or here.
- Please make all your inquiries clear if you have before you place a bid.
- After end of the auction, please contact with us by "Transaction Navigater(TORIHIKI-NAVI)".
- We cannot respond to a fax contact or telephone call, and sometimes emails especiaally after the auction closed.
- Feedback will be left to only a buyer who placed a feedback to us. Therefore, please do not leave feedback to us, if yo do not want it.
[About us]
- The seller of this item is SIGMA Books located in Tokyo,Japan. We now have more than 17,000 items on the Yahoo Auction. You can watch all of our items by here. Please ask us if the item indicates 'no international shipping'.
- Bids from a Japanese living in abroad are welcome. 海外在住の日本人の方のご入札・お取引も歓迎いたします。
- We are sorry, but a request for overseas shipping from a bidder who lives in Japan is not acceptable.